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A group exhibition exploring themes of home: identity, memory and heritage, through a range of media from film, digital art and collage, to painting and printmaking by 2021 Kingston Fine Art Graduates.

Participating Artists: Douaa El-Azizi,  Edward Mac, Omalola Mau, Husna Memon, Kristine Meniano, Brianna Lois Parker,  Sumnima Pun, Amrit Sanghera, and Zooey Sealey.

Curators: Courtney Gregory, Husna Memon, Sumnima Pun with Helen Potkin, Associate Professor (Art History) at Kingston University.

Since the early 20th century, Britain has lived through culturally transformative events from devastating wars, mass migration, to economic and environmental change, which has ultimately resulted in a multi-ethnic society. This history to which we are all connected, has impacted the ways in which an individual defines home. Furthermore, the pandemic has significantly affected our relationship to our homes, and has forced us to re-evaluate, re-define and re-purpose the home to adjust to the current climate.For some, home remains the place where they were born, while for others, it is an adopted place where they have developed a bond with the environment and its cultural identity. Some people think of home as a more solid ‘truth’ that connects to their race, identity, or cultural heritage. Despite Britain being diverse, the concept of home for People of Colour is tainted by the experiences of exclusion and racism. The experiences and stories of communities of colour are largely unheard and un-documented. As individuals who are from these communities, the nine artists offer a unique lens on the concept of home in all its complexities and meanings. In light of this, the artists have come together to present a varied collection of work that shares these wider themes of home through film, digital art and digital collage, painting and printmaking.