Off Grid - Olivia Bax

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Olivia Bax - Kingpin, 2020, steel, polysterene, foam, chicken wire, newspaper, glue, paint, plaster, funnels, powdercoated steel stands.
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“It is a treat to go off grid. There is no phone signal.  Incoming calls are diverted to an auto-response. When signal returns and auto-response is switched off, expectations rise. Off grid is uncompromising and unfamiliar but carries a sense of optimism.”

Cross Lane Projects is proud to present a solo exhibition of new work by Olivia Bax, winner of the Mark Tanner Sculpture Award 2019/20.

Bax is known for using materials such as steel, chicken wire and a generated paper pulp, consisting of discarded newspapers and castaway household paint.  She is guided by an interest in the process and physicality of construction. This is evident in the material she employs and the visual language and form of her sculptures. The texture speaks of the work’s history, revealing the process of forming the works.

‘Off Grid’ consists of large-scale floor, hanging and wall-based sculptures. Each individual section has been drawn, formed and dressed in order to play a unique part in the series.

This exhibition has been developed over the past year by the London-based artist, the 17th recipient of the Mark Tanner Sculpture Award (MTSA).  The MTSA is one of the most significant awards for emerging UK artists working in the field of sculpture. It seeks to reward outstanding and innovative practice, with a particular interest in work that demonstrates a commitment to process, or sensitivity to material.

Bax was selected from 240 applicants from across the UK, by a panel comprising: Simon Wallis OBE, Director, The Hepworth Wakefield; Rebecca Scott, artist and Mark Tanner Trust; Emma Kelly, Standpoint; and Anna Reading, winner of the MTSA 2018/19.