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IMT Gallery is pleased to present Attachment, an exhibition of works and collaborations in a variety of media, including video, installation, photography and drawing, that might function as transformative loci for everyday substances, props or occurrences to become conduits of emotional exchange.

An attachment is not the core provider of purpose or meaning, it may be extra, superfluous, an after-thought or revision, but, regardless of the specifics of whatever exchange of meaning might be taking place in an art exhibition, an attachment is both object and process. The attachment can be an auxiliary component and may have a sinister or ulterior motive for its presence alongside the thing, a file appended to an email received from the artists and/or curator, the forging of a lasting emotional connection between people. With attachments there may be confusion about the point at which something becomes art.

The exhibition brings together artists from UK (Conran and Shrigley), Denmark (Kjær Skau), France (Nové-Josserand), Switzerland (Potter), Poland (Robakowski) and South Korea (Ryu).

Attachment is curated by Mark Jackson for IMT Gallery.